St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard Garden
Cross Newgate Street at the traffic lights, turn left and towards St Paul's underground station. Turn right just before the entrance to the station and walk down Panyer Alley. At the end turn left on to Paternoster Row. Walk to the end and turn right into St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard Garden. (0.05km) 2.27kmDescription
The present building is the fifth cathedral on this site, designed by Sir Christopher Wren. The first building was erected in 604 by St Ethelbert, King of Kent, the first Christian king in England. A Roman temple to Diana once stood here, and there is evidence of Roman burials. The churchyard garden is part of the precincts of St Paul's and is an important part of its setting, as well as providing valuable open space for public use. The garden was laid out in 1879 by Edward Milner, designer of private gardens and public parks. The garden includes winding footpaths, fountains, sculpture and seating, and features lawns and mature trees and shrubs, as well as a lovely rose garden. The restored 1714 churchyard railings are important early examples of cast iron work.Further information on LGT Inventory