Kit Crowley Gardens
Pass under the railway and through the passage leading to Mare Street. Use the cycle crossing to cross Mare Street into Well Street. At the end of Well Street, there is a bend to the left before you follow the traffic right through the traffic lights into Cassland Road. Kit Crowley Gardens are on the left.
Originally known as Cassland Road Gardens, these gardens date from the 1850s, when Cassland Crescent was laid out on the northern side of Cassland Road by the Trustees of the Sir John Cass Estate. The gardens are laid to lawn and surrounded by mature limes and London planes.
In July 2021 the gardens were renamed Kit Crowley Gardens as part of Hackney's Review, Rename, Reclaim project. Kit Crowley's name replaced that of Sir John Cass, director of the Royal African Company - an English slave-trading company that trafficked enslaved Africans for profit in the late C17th.
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