This secret roof garden provides stunning views across London and brings colour to the top of an award-winning environmental building, transforming a simple sedum green roof into a full living roof designed for biodiversity and pollinators. The garden, tended by volunteer award-winning gardeners, features wild plants to encourage a variety of wildlife, focusing on bee-friendly plants for the rooftop beehives. The garden has won many awards, including City in Bloom, the Most Innovative in Design Award and the Outstanding Food Growing, Commercial, and Gold Awards for the vegetable garden and the green roof.
Iconic views across London from the rooftop garden. Gardeners and beekeepers available to answer questions. Suitable for children. Food, tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes for sale. Seating available.
Roof garden not accessible to wheelchair users due to an out of service lift.
Distance (in straight line)
0.2 km / 0.1 miles
Saturday 10:00–14:30
Mini jewel of a City rooftop space, recently created and planted with innovation and style in contemporary raised beds. Part of the City’s biodiversity green corridor.
The beautiful, secluded garden of the Stationers' Company offers a sense of history in its peaceful seating. This hidden treasure in the heart of the City of London is an inspirational example of a shaded garden.
Sunken garden at the rear of 900-year-old St Bartholomew the Great Church, rescued from the wild by local residents. Mulberries and other fruit tasting. Refreshments. Music.
A hidden secret garden with a unique story and many delights in the planting. A small paved area includes a pond and fountain. Within the narrow space, climbers cover the walls and pots brim with foliage to create texture and colour.
A stunning gated garden just 100 yards from the River Thames, Tate Modern and Globe Theatre. Bridged wildlife pond, fernery, grape vines and beautiful sculptures. Awarded many Green Flags, and a Gold in London in Bloom.