Hanover Gardens is a tranquil woodland garden situated within the historic Ladbroke Estate. It has views to the spire of St John's Church and only birdsong and churchbells disturb the calm. There are rolling lawns with mature spreading planes and occasional specimen trees, including a tulip tree. These combine with copses of choice woodland planting, such as Callicarpa, Brunnera, Epimedium, Liriope, honeysuckle, hellebores and ferns. Dame Sylvia Crowe, the noted landscape architect and garden designer, lived here for many years.
Gardeners: Mark Steel and Chris Hearn; General maintenance: Joseph Jones
This garden is part of the Ladbroke Estate and featured in the film 'Notting Hill'. Thomas Allason's plan of 1823 allowed for generous communal gardens, organised in a concentric layout of crescents.