Kensington Gardens Square provides a peaceful spot for residents in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Bayswater. The gardens have an organic ecosystem under the canopy of 19th century London plane trees, suitable for youngsters to play in and for wildlife to thrive in. The Grade II-listed properties surrounding the Square, built in the early years of Queen Victoria's reign, have now been converted into flats and hotels. The Square features two gardens, the larger with open spaces and seating alongside many plant beds, while the smaller is a more manicured space for wandering through. The gardens have been enhanced significantly with active resident involvement and development of a culture of mutual support across the Square community.
Award-winning long, rectangular garden with a beautiful woodland area, wildflowers at the east end, a rose garden at the west end and a long herbaceous border. There is also a children's play area and maze.
A peaceful woodland garden in the heart of the historic Ladbroke Estate, the quiet disturbed only by birdsong and the bells of St John's, Notting Hill.