Award-winning Phoenix Farm provides a learning resource for schools and local community groups, and offers volunteering opportunities for local residents. The one-acre farm produces more than 40 varieties of fruit and vegetables, as well as medicinal herbs, plants to attract wildlife and edible flowers from its glasshouses and beds. There is a community orchard, soft fruits and wildlife areas, as well as bees, rabbits and chickens. This garden, in the centre of the White City Estate, has won many awards including a Gold Medal at Hampton Court Flower Show in 2016 and Gold in the RHS It's Your Neighbourhood campaign.
Community Food Grower: Michelle Sinden
Visitor Information
Saturday 10:00–13:00
Sunday 10:00–16:00
Plant sale and refreshments.
Adjacent to Phoenix Fitness Centre, Bloemfontein Road Nearest postcode: W12 7DB
The only remaining Lawn Bowling Club in Kensington and Chelsea, founded in 1903. Set in former award-winning gardens once patronised by royalty, now being restored by volunteers after long neglect.
Award-winning community kitchen garden transformed from a disused tennis court in 2009. Around 100 people use the 48 plots. The community garden celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2019.
An edible teaching garden with a woodland area, a natural wooden climbing area, an ecological area and a sensory garden. Activities for families and children; small plants for sale; refreshments.
This secret garden at a sheltered housing scheme in the middle of Shepherd's Bush is bursting with plants to encourage wildlife, a pond, pergola & a large community greenhouse.