In March 2019, a small group of residents began work on a locked and derelict garden in the centre of the Spurgeon Estate in Stockwell, opening it up to residents for the first time in 20 years. The Secret Garden has since enhanced the lives of residents and boosted wildlife in this inner-city location. There are two areas: a kitchen garden, where residents grow herbs, berries and vegetables; and a woodland garden, which is a more informal space where we encourage wildflowers. A donation of eight roses from Hampton Court in 2019 has become a central feature in the woodland garden.
Visitor Information
Saturday 10:00–17:00
Sunday 10:00–17:00
There is seating in both areas and there are also grassy areas; visitors are welcome to bring a picnic.
Picnics allowed.
Estate entrace from Thorne Road. Follow alleyway behind blue surgery. Nearest postcode: SW8 1UL
This award-winning oasis of green space in south London is open to all, seven days a week. Alongside fruit trees, sub-tropical planting and glasshouses, it is also home to a horticultural training centre and a vast array of wildlife.
Multi-award-winning Grade II-listed historic garden square, laid out in the early 1840s as part of Thomas Cubitt's Pimlico. Described as "a plant person's garden, much loved and experimental - work always in progress".
Community garden on the roof of a former carpark in the midst of high-rise estates, divided into five 'garden rooms'. A wide variety of planting, herb maze, increasing focus on diverse fruit and veg. Tea and coffee, donations welcome.
Cobblestone Victorian mews, once light industrial units, now studios for various artists and craftspeople. Extensively planted with pots, baskets, vines and planters.