Arvon Road Allotment Group
5 photosBarnard Park
3 photosBarnsbury Square
1 photoBarnsbury Wood
6 photosBunhill Fields Burial Ground
5 photosCaledonian Park and Community Orchard
6 photosCanonbury Square
2 photosThe Charterhouse
7 photosClaremont Square
2 photosCloister Garden, Priory Church of the Order of St John of Jerusalem Islington
7 photosCloudesley Square
1 photoCulpeper Community Garden
5 photosDuncan Terrace Garden
1 photoEdward Square
2 photosFinsbury Square
1 photoFreedom from Torture Sanctuary Garden
3 photosFreightliners Farm
6 photosGibson Square
2 photosGranville Square
1 photoKing Henry's Walk Garden
10 photosHighbury Quadrant Estate Nature Gardens
5 photosHolford Gardens
1 photoIslington Green
2 photosLloyd Square
4 photosMelissa Garden Bee Sanctuary
4 photosMetropolitan Benefit Societies Almshouses
3 photosMilner Square
1 photoMountfort Crescent
2 photosMuseum of Methodism, John Wesley's House and Wesley's Chapel
6 photosMyddelton Square
1 photoThe Olden Community Garden
9 photosPercy Circus
2 photosPrebend Street Island
1 photoQuill Street Allotments
4 photosSt James Close
1 photoSt Joseph's Garden
5 photos