Partnerships and Grants
LPG is delighted to work with the RHS Partner Garden Scheme for LOG 2024. As the UK’s leading gardening charity, the RHS aims to help those living in cities to enjoy gardening, whether through cultivating a window box, greening their balcony or back garden, or visiting open spaces.
Becoming a member of the RHS gives access to a wealth of gardening advice, unlimited free days out to RHS Gardens, reduced rate tickets to RHS flower shows and the opportunity to visit 220 Partner Gardens across the UK and overseas at selected times of the year. To find out more, visit
We are grateful to our media partner Gardens Illustrated magazine. Every beautiful issue can help you transform your garden into an amazing place to enjoy all year round, with planting and design ideas, and much more. Join at and try your first 6 issues for just £9.99*.
LPG is delighted to have had the support of the Metropolitan Public Garden Association for many years. MPGA is a long-established charity that has been involved in the London gardening world for over a century. As well as their grants scheme, they keep a close eye on planning applications, the Green Belt and any parks and gardens under threat. We look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.
London Parks & Gardens Organising Team
Event Chair
Nathan Oley
Delivery Group
Suzette Aagaard, Lisa Barr, Marion Blair, Audrey Brown, Angela Clarke, Yvonne Fenwick, Gilly Gordon, Anne Greig, Michael Hallifax, Melanie Howard, Amund
Hugin, Marlene Johnson, Frank Warnock, Colin Wing
Hayden Brown (Graphic Design), Rachel Huckvale (Print Materials and Web Manager)
Inspired founders and hundreds of wonderful volunteers have made this event possible for 25 years. If you could add your support in any capacity, we would love to hear from you at
The Gardens
LPG is indebted to everyone involved in creating and maintaining the beautiful spaces that open for our enjoyment. Without them, this event could not happen.